Putting The Furry In The Furrinalia

The ancient Romans had a minor goddess named Furrina. The word derives from the Latin for “bubbling” or “gushing” and she was a goddess of springs, wells, and streams. She had a sacred grove where an artesian well gushed into a stream. She had a holy day called the Furrinalia. Again, little is still known about how it was celebrated, but it was held in the middle of the “dog days,” (the hottest part of summer), so it probably had to do with warding off drought. She even had a cult of Her own, but as a minor deity, it didn’t swing much weight in Rome. Not much more than that is known about Her today. I believe that some modern Pagans use Her imagery in spells and meditations and such.

Well with a name like Furrina, of course the Furry fandom has to pay attention!

The Furrinalia has always been celebrated, (when it was celebrated), on July 25th, (a Sunday this year.) The Furry fandom doesn’t have much by way of traditions, (even SF Fandom has more), so just generally Do Something Furry. Draw Furrina. Post an article or stpry or something on FA or SF or Telegram or wherever. Go fursuiting. Get together with local fans, have a party! (Not this year, though.) Whatever Furry means to you, do it on the Furrinalia.

I propose that Furrina’s fursonna would be an otter, (said D’Otter), although any fresh-water, semi-aquatic animal would do. Maybe a beaver? I’d hesitate to give Her a fish-sonna, just because so many critters eat feesh. Consuming one’s deity is kinda weird and I just don’t think it would be wise to get into that. (No offence meant, Christians.)

She would be found in a random stream near its head waters. She would be friendly, generous, and gentle, (mostly.) She would accept nearly anyone as an acolyte, but reject those who refuse to do the same or who deliberately made trouble. (“You can’t tolerate intolerance!”) She would also be a teacher, showing the young and ignorant how to behave in public, how to be a friend.

Anyway, that’s my proposal. Let me know what you think!

Here are a few images of Furrina that I found.

About D'Otter

"I'm not an otter, but I play one on the Internet!" These are the thoughts and tales of a Furry fan. Mostly, I repost my Birthday Otter Update here. I've been posting these silly things to the Toronto Furry mailing list for... oh, must be a couple of decades now! I recently decided to take it to a wider audience here on WordPress, (although I link these copies to Furry sites. I don't expect to find many fans here, even less fans from around Toronto Canada.) If you like stories, I keep mine in my "Stories" category.
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2 Responses to Putting The Furry In The Furrinalia

  1. Pingback: Birfday Otter Update 24JUL2022 | D'Otter's Space

  2. Pingback: Birfday Otter Update 25JUL2021 | D'Otter's Space

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